Are you passionate about Complaints?
Want to make sure we meet the needs of our customers and following the right processes?
Can you work with us to make sure we get it right?
This is where our Complaints Panel comes in.
The Complaints Panel plays a key role in providing customer insight to make sure we follow the correct process when we receive customer feedback. It also ensures we use the feedback to improve and shape our services. They provide a quality assurance role and ensure we are meeting the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code, holding us to account for our performance and making sure we’re listening and learning from complaints.
What is expected of the Complaints Panel?
- The members review a random selection of closed complaints each month
- scoring the quality of each response and provide feedback
- regularly review the Complaints Policy and Procedure including monitoring any related action and self-assessment plans.
- work closely with our Customer Experience Team to ensure they develop a good understanding of the complaints process, which enables them to scrutinise the service.
The panel are not able to provide individual responses to any customers as part of an open or closed complaint.
The Complaints Panel meet monthly (online), to discuss the complaints reviewed and any potential areas for improvement. Every quarter, the Panel will have a face-to-face meeting. If any member of the Panel is unable to attend in-person, then a "hybrid meeting" will be available, this is a mix of both face-to-face and online. We want to ensure all of our customers have the opportunity for customer participation.
Who can sit on the Panel?
Absolutely any one of our MSV Customers can reside on the Complaints Panel regardless of personal circumstances. We want to ensure the Panel is a true representation of MSV Customers where you have a voice in how we handle customer feedback.
We are looking for up to 6 customers to sit on the Complaints Panel. The membership of the Panel will be reviewed every two years. Customers who are already members of formal groups and committees within our governance structure (for example Scrutiny, Customer and Communities Committee etc) aren’t eligible to apply for this role.
Is there any training involved?
Yes. You will receive training as part of the Panel to ensure we comply with relevant statutory regulations. This not only helps build your skillset but also gives you the necessary tools required to undertake the tasks required of the Panel. Training includes equality and diversity, data protection, meeting communication skills.
We need customers who are:
- Passionate
- Good communicators
- Good listeners
- Able to make informed decisions from information provided
- Be constructive in their opinions
Get in touch
If you would like to be on the Complaints Panel, please contact our Customer Voice and Influence Team at involvement@msvhousing.co.uk.