DROP IN and Wellbeing Event, Moss Side

Monday, 20 November 2023

You are invited to attend our MSV Customer and Wellbeing event.

Date: Monday 27 November 2023
Time: DROP IN anytime between 6pm and 8pm
Venue: St. James Church, 95A Princess Road, Moss Side, M14 4TH

This DROP IN EVENT will take place between 6pm – 8pm.
Come along at any time between these times. Refreshments will be available. It’s an opportunity to discuss issues which matter to you.

Winter Welfare stalls
Our Partners will be in attendance where you can get help and support, including: Money Management, Wellbeing, Community Safety, Neighbourhoods, Employment & Skills Training.

For dietary requirements, contact us using the following (before 24 Nov):
Email: nibblesnatter@msvhousing.co.uk 

Vulnerable Tenants
If you are struggling due to vulnerabilities or care needs which prevent you from attending and you would like a member of MSV’s Wellbeing Team to visit you at your home, please do not hesitate to contact us at CustomerSupportTeam@msvhousing.co.uk 

These Forums will take place across Greater Manchester where YOU, our tenants, can attend and ASK our senior officers direct questions and get immediate answers!

Anyone attending (and signing in) is automatically put into a prize draw to WIN a £50 high street voucher.

You can read Questions and Answers from previous Nibbles n Natter events on our dedicated web page

Sound like your cuppa-tea? Come join us for buffet and a chat. ALL WELCOME…