Moss Side – We're Listening

We're working with the community, Manchester City Council and housing partners to deliver affordable homes in Moss Side.

Our proposal

We’ve produced a booklet with all of the information that you will need about our development plans for Moss Side. 


Read the proposed plans

Under the proposals, derelict land at the site of the former Reno nightclub and neighbouring sites at Barnhill Street along with land at Westwood Street and Raby Street will be turned into a mix of family homes and apartments.

These four sites have been empty and unused for many years and have become hotspots for anti-social behaviour. Take a look at the site map on the right for location details.

In total, the plans will include more than 300 new homes, bringing millions of pounds of investment to Moss Side.

Working together

Manchester City Council (MCC) believes that every person in this city deserves a safe, secure and affordable home in strong, sustainable communities. This is essential for residents to live happy and prosperous lives. 

MCC has an ambitious approach to affordable home building, which draws on the collective energies of the city’s affordable housing providers - including MSV - working in close partnership with the council to bring underused, brownfield land into use and build the homes that Manchester people need.

MCC has committed to help build at least 36,000 new homes by 2032 including 10,000 new affordable homes across the city to meet existing demand and population growth.


Latest News

MSV customers living in Moss Side and local area will receive the Moss Side newsletter once every 3 months. 

Read the latest edition below or click here


Your Questions Answered

Click below for the answers to some of the questions that the community has been asking.

A public consultation is a way to engage with the community and allow individuals, community groups, businesses, and other stakeholders to express their views about the proposed plans.

We are working closely with the community to shape the plans and we are listening to all of the feedback that we receive. We have already made a number of changes to the plans based on the comments that we have received.

We will carefully consider all of the responses that we receive throughout the consultation process and ensure that, where possible, the views of the community are reflected in our plans.

When the consultation closes, a formal planning application will be submitted to Manchester City Council, and the Planning Committee will decide whether it should be approved.

There is an urgent need for more new homes in Moss Side. The population has grown by more than 20% in the last decade, but the number of homes has not risen in line with this increase.

Currently, there are around 8,750 people registered on the Manchester Move list waiting for social housing in priority bands 1-3. Of that number over 470 are Moss Side residents waiting for suitable accommodation.

All kinds of homes are needed. Data shows that there is a specific need for larger homes to meet the needs of undersupply, growing families and intergenerational households, while there is also a high demand for smaller one and two bed properties.

The developments are being designed alongside the Moss Side community to meet the needs of local people, including larger affordable homes, which are in significant demand.

The vast majority of the homes will remain under the ownership of MSV and allocated to individuals and families for social or affordable rent. Where homes are sold under the shared ownership model, there is a requirement that these are sold to individuals and families, rather than to investors.  

A local lettings policy will be in place to make sure that homes will be available for future generations as families in the area continue to grow.

MSV has been part of the Moss Side community for nearly 60 years and already owns over 1,100 homes in the area.

Our plans will provide:

  • Opportunities for apprenticeships
  • Local work opportunities
  • A boost to the local economy

We will ensure that there is a focus on employing local people as part of the development/selection process. There is a target to ensure that at least 10% of the jobs created go to local people.

We are working closely with Manchester City Council and other partners to mitigate any issues during the development process. Existing on-street parking will be maintained and the scheme will provide new parking on site.

The wider development proposals will include best-in-class cycle storage facilities with a view to enabling increased active travel. The site is well serviced by busses.

We understand the importance of the Greenheys Adult Education Centre to the community. These plans will ensure that it relocates into a new, fit-for-purpose, and energy-efficient building within the new development, which will secure its future for many years to come.

We are clear that this development should not negatively affect the operation of the West Indian Sports & Social Club in any way.

We have listened to feedback from members of the WISSC and the wider community, and we recognise the importance of the club, which is an integral and vital part of the area’s social, cultural and community life. 

Discussions about how MSV and Manchester City Council can continue to support the WISSC and safeguard its future are ongoing. Sound and acoustic experts have been brought on board to ensure the designs will be appropriately treated so as not to be effected by the existing activities at the WISSC.

The project will be built in phases over the four sites. It is the intention to start with building the new block that will house the new Adult Learning centre, so that once that is finished the existing Greenheys adult learning centre can be relocated. This existing Greenheys building will then be refurbished into homes.

If approved we plan to start on-site in May 2024, with the project completed in late 2027 or early 2028

The selected contractor will have to satisfy key planning condition requirements on noise, timings, routes and site dust that is considerate to the surrounding area. They will submit detailed travel and operation plans and will be monitored at all times by the council, MSV and others to make sure that they are compliant. 


If you would like to give your views directly by email or have any questions that aren’t covered on this page, please send us an email at


Follow and connect with us on our Facebook page at: Moss Side - we're listening


Your views on our proposed development in Moss Side

We carried out a public consultation in the Moss Side area (from May to the end of August 2023) to consult local residents on the design proposals for the regeneration of four sites.

The extensive consultation included public meetings, online surveys, radio campaigns, attendance at the Manchester Caribbean Carnival, specific website and social media campaigns, and the establishment of a steering group made up of local stakeholders. 

During the consultation, we received 268 completed surveys from members of the Moss Side community.

Read the full report here

A huge thank you to everyone who has taken the time and trouble to give us your views.

The next steps in the process will be for us to consider the views collected and make sure our plans reflect the feedback we have received. We expect to finish this process early next year, so watch this space for future updates or contact us with any comments you may have, at:

West Indian Sports and Social Club

Manchester City Council is also talking to representatives of the West Indian Sports and Social Club (WISSC) to ensure the club is preserved and their views are properly heard. They are working together to secure the future sustainability of the WISSC, developing proposals to refurbish the Club, and identifying potential grants and funding opportunities.

Site Map

New Build Artist's Impressions


Archived Newsletters

Consultation Flyer
- Dec 2023



-March 2023

Consultation Flyer
- Nov 2023


- Sept 2023