Ending Hate Crime in our Communities

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

MSV Homes has partnered with residents, local authorities and community organisations to host special events in Rochdale and Moss Side, launching MSV as a Hate Crime Reporting Centre and demonstrating support against discriminatory and hateful behaviour.  

Moss Side and Rochdale have vibrant and diverse communities of people who came together to talk about personal experiences and support people to report incidents. The events featured talks from guest speakers including the Al Furqan Islamic Centre, Rainbow Roofs, LGBTQ+ residents forum and Sylvia Lancaster OBE (Sophie Lancaster’s mum and founder of The Sophie Lancaster Foundation). Watch our short video here for highlights from our Rochdale event.

In the UK, only one in four incidents of hate crime are reported to the police and this figure can be even lower for some vulnerable groups, yet Hate Crime can have a significant impact on those experiencing it, often leaving people feeling vulnerable or isolated.

Charlie Norman, our Chief Executive said: “MSV stands in solidarity with anybody experiencing hate behaviour in communities where we operate. We are committed to challenging such behaviour in all its forms and will adopt a zero-tolerance approach, acting quickly and decisively to any reports we receive in partnership with the Police.” 

We will be organising more hate crime events across Greater Manchester in the coming weeks so please keep an eye on our website or social media for more information. 

If you are experiencing hate crime, please report it via your ‘My MSV’ accountemail communitysafety@msvhousing.co.uk or call 0161 226 4211

For an emergency call the Police on 999