Doorstep Scam Alert

Friday, 26 January 2024

Heads up, neighbours! We've received a report of doorstep scammers operating in our areas. Please be extra vigilant and follow these tips to stay safe.

Doorstep scams take place when someone comes to your door intending to scam you out of your money or try to gain access to your home to steal items from inside.

While there are legitimate tradespeople and officials, it’s wise to be on your guard when you answer your door. Doorstep scammers can be persuasive or pushy but also polite or friendly, and it can be easy to fall victim. It’s especially important to be vigilant and aware if you live on your own.

MSV Tenants will always be notified in advance of any work that is due to happen to their home. Depending on the type of visit, this may be in the form of a letter, text message, or phone call. Tenants can also easily manage repairs online via their MyMSV customer account. When we visit your home to carry out a scheduled visit or repair, our employees and sub-contractors will always carry ID and will never ask for money.

Please be wary of:

  • Cold callers informing of essential work required in your area such as blocked drains, gas repairs etc.
  • Bogus repairmen offering to check your boiler.
  • Offering to work on repairs you are not aware of.
  • Asking for personal information or payment

Safety Tips:

  • Always ask for ID

Anyone claiming to be from a legitimate company (utility workers, repair services, etc.) should readily show you identification. Don't hesitate to call the company directly using a trusted phone number (not the one on their ID) to verify their presence.

  • Don't let urgency pressure you 

Scammers often create a sense of urgency to rush you into a decision. Take your time, ask questions, and trust your gut. If something feels off, say "no thank you" and shut the door.

  • No personal details

Some scammers will try to obtain your personal details, such as your bank account numbers or credit card details, to use them later to order goods and services, or loans, in your name.

  • No cold callers

They may pretend that they are working on your neighbour’s property and need access to yours to check a leak or something similar. Once on your property, they will spot something that needs urgent attention and offer to fix it.

Display a ‘No Cold Calling’ sticker on your front door. Download a printable version here:, or you may be able to obtain a free ‘No Cold Calling’ sticker from your local council or local police.

  • Lock up

Keep your front and back doors locked, even when you are at home.


☎️ Call us for confirmation.
If you're unsure about someone claiming to represent MSV, please don't hesitate to call us at 0161 226 4211

We're happy to verify their identity and ensure your safety.


Get help or report a scam

If you think you’ve uncovered a scam, been targeted by a scam or fallen victim to fraudsters, contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or at Action Fraud.

Call the Police on 101 if you know the suspect or they’re still in the area. Or, call 999 if you are in immediate danger. 


Spread the word! Share this information with your friends and family to raise awareness and protect our community.

Remember: It's okay to say no, and it's better to be safe than sorry.

By following these tips and working together, we can make our community a safer place for everyone.