We are pleased to announce that MSV is collaborating on an exciting initiative to bring Connexica’s LUCENT360 fully managed data management, reporting, analytics, and customer insights service to the Housing Association sector.
Together we aim to help address some of the strategic challenges that the industry is facing through better and more innovative use of data.
With regulatory and sector focus firmly on consumer standards and tenant satisfaction measures, Housing Associations now publish their performance against the new criteria. However, although a significant amount of satisfaction and other data is now being routinely collected it is not yet typically used by organisations to identify opportunities for service improvement and to deliver customer-led change.
The partnership between Connexica and MSV aims to tackle this by bringing together our unique combination of skills and expertise.
Connexica’s LUCENT360 service and extensive experience of delivering sophisticated information systems to organisations operating in other highly regulated industries will complement our knowledge of the needs of the Housing Association sector and its understanding of the issues that organisations within the industry are currently facing.
This powerful combination will deliver an information platform that will enable us to leverage the latent value that exists within our data – through the creation of analyses containing the insights that it needs to drive more effective evidence-based decision-making, and to promote innovation across all areas of the business.
Initial areas of focus for the LUCENT360 service within MSV have been identified as: Compliance – To create a 360 degree view of compliance for individual and consolidated compliance elements and to identify high-risk properties where multiple compliance checks are due/overdue, and to automate the current manual reporting processes. Customer Insight – to gain a deep understanding of who’s ‘behind the door’ of the properties under management in order to better identify vulnerability and risk within the tenant population and to develop effective strategies to mitigate those risks and support customers more effectively. ASB - to develop a stronger understanding of the incidence of ASB through the analysis of interventions and their impact, and to enable the organisation to intelligently target its limited resources and support in ways which will deliver the best results for communities. Complaints and Satisfaction – To triangulate complaints, performance and satisfaction data for each service area to develop more accurate measures of performance and identify areas for service improvement which will have greatest customer impact. |
By working closely with MSV to create an implementation of LUCENT360 tailored for use within a Housing Association, Connexica are aiming to establish an exemplar solution that can be adopted by other Housing Associations across the sector that are struggling with similar challenges. By rolling out LUCENT360 more widely across the sector in the future, Connexica and MSV hope to help transform the industry so that it becomes truly ‘data-driven’ and is able to deliver innovation with confidence in a way which significantly improves the experience for its tenants.
Steve Aggett, Director of Finance & Business Excellence at MSV said, “We hold so much data within our business but are restricted in its use by the constrains of our own systems and our own knowledge of how to deliver value from it. By partnering with a Connexica we can harness their expertise in producing an information platform that enables the creation of analyses and insights that help us to support individual households better and promote innovation for customer led improvements to services. We are really pleased to be working with Connexica on this exciting initiative and believe it will not only transform the way we do things but will also benefit the whole sector.”
Gary Luke, Managing Director at Connexica said, “Over the last few years LUCENT360 has delivered some really great benefits to organisations in other regulated industries. We’re convinced that it’s a model that will work equally well in the social housing sector and that it has the potential to add tremendous value. The sector as a whole is waking up to the fact that access to better quality information is key to improving standards and driving effective change, so it feels like the time is absolutely right for the introduction of LUCENT360.
We’re really pleased to have secured this partnership with MSV, and are confident that having such a well-respected industry leader collaborating with us on this venture will enable us to refine our proposition and to bring the benefits of the LUCENT360 service to the wider housing association sector in the most effective way possible. We’re looking forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship!"
Mosscare St Vincent's Housing Group is a social landlord working across the Northwest of England and Yorkshire. We own and manage almost 9,000 homes in Greater Manchester, Lancashire and West Yorkshire. Our ethos and values place us right at the heart of communities, working with customers to deliver excellent landlord services and provide customers with a warm, safe home. Keeping people safe is the most important thing we do!
We also focus on ensuring the customer voice is at the heart of a strong viable business. Engaging with customers and co-creating services means we can deliver a range of homes and services designed to meet the needs of a wide range of customers. Our corporate strategy ‘The MSV Way’ commits to investing in People, Place and Performance with a focus on our Customer Promise "Healthy Homes and Fair and Friendly Services". The consumer standards for social housing provide the framework for MSV to ensure we are delivering high quality services with clear pathways for customers to be involved and provide feedback on those services.
As well as a large range of family and single persons’ homes, we specialise in providing a safe and secure home for many marginalised people; for example, our Foyers for young people in Manchester and Blackburn and our schemes for care leavers, our Later Living schemes for the Over 55's and HAPPi schemes designed specifically for older people, supported housing for those with specific circumstances, and specialist housing for homeless and rough sleepers. This is in addition to the modern sought-after properties we build for people across the Northwest and Yorkshire.
Founded in 2006, Connexica is a UK-based data management, reporting, analytics and customer insights organisation. We help our clients manage their data more effectively so that they can deliver more value from it for the business. Our innovative search-powered technology platform enables us to join disparate data from around the organisation into a consolidated single version of the truth and to interrogate that data with a set of sophisticated tools that enable you to look across the different aspects of the business more strategically in a way that gives you insights about your operation, your service delivery, your customers, or any other aspect of the business that you want to understand better. Then by using the insights that those analytics provide, you can identify opportunities for change and improvement, and you provide an evidence base for the business to drive better decision making and more confident innovation.
Organisations can either use the Connexica technology to manage the development and maintenance of their reporting and analytics using their own internal resources, or they can opt for LUCENT360 Connexica’s fully managed data management, reporting, analytics and insights service. With LUCENT360 Connexica take on all the work to design, build, and maintain an analytics system tailored to the specific requirements of the organisation, and to help extract the insights from the analyses that are produced. LUCENT360 is designed to be comprehensive in a way which derisks the analytics process for the organisation and means that you don’t have to worry about how those analytics are produced and can concentrate on using the insights that are provided by the service to run their business more effectively.