Clare's Law - Do you suspect your partner of being abusive in the past?

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Clare’s Law – Domestic Abuse Disclosure Scheme (from GMP leaflet and Fortalice)


If you’re worried that your partner may have been abusive in the past, the police may be able to check whether they have a record of abusive behaviour. The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme, known as Clare’s Law, could allow you to be told about the criminal history of your partner or ex-partner. Anyone can apply for a disclosure using Clare’s Law including someone worried about their own relationship, or even someone else’s to find out if they are at risk of domestic abuse.


There are four steps;


Step 1: Initial contact with the police


Step 2: Face to face meeting to complete the application


Step 3: The police make a decision as to whether they are able to shar any information with you


Step 4: Possible disclosure of information  from the police


If you want to talk about making an application you can;



If you believe there is an immediate risk of harm to someone, or it is an emergency, you should always call 999.