Are you Deaf Aware? Celebrating Deaf Awareness Week!

Thursday, 09 May 2024

It's Deaf Awareness Week...

This week is Deaf Awareness Week (May 6th - 12th), a time to celebrate deaf culture and learn how to be more inclusive towards deaf people in our everyday lives. Many people with deafness experience communication barriers, and a little awareness can go a long way!

Resources to help you become more deaf aware:-

The National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS) has some fantastic resources available to help you become more deaf aware.  

  • Learn to fingerspell Watch informative videos here
  • Test your knowledge: Take a quick and engaging deaf awareness quiz to see how much you already know and learn something new! Click here 

Or Bright BSL have a free app to help you learn basic sign language - find out more here

Our Services are Deaf-Accessible

We outline some practical steps on our website to ensure our services are accessible. Find out more information on our website here 

Let's celebrate Deaf Awareness Week together!