Active Street in Manchester - Rosebery St in Hulme

Friday, 26 May 2023

MSV is proud to be take part in Active Streets on Rosebery St - Hulme on Thursday 1st June. 

Active Streets is an opportunity for residents to see their street transformed into a community safety zone. Once the street is closed it becomes a safe pop-up sport and active space.

Hulme residents are invited to come along and take part in the event, where they will be able to join in with a variety of street games and activities including snakes & ladders, pop-up tennis, swing ball and giant 4 in a row.

MSV's Neighbourhood Officer will be out engaging with local residents regarding waste management, recycling, and fly-tipping.

Active Streets is an initiative delivered by Manchester City Council North Neighbourhoods Team and One Manchester, demonstrating real ‘social value’ in action.

These events bring together a range of services including waste and recycling, street cleansing, and sport. Last year Active Streets ‘closed off’ 14 different streets in 12 wards, with nearly 600 adults & children enjoying activities from snakes & ladders to table tennis and swing ball, leaving a lasting resource for continued delivery by residents.